My Only True Love

 Nandini - From the last few days I have noticed huge changes in me, I look forward to meet you, talk to you, chat with you. Your thoughts are clouding my mind. I watch TV, speak to my friends, work in the office but my concentartion just ain't there, you are continuously there in the back and front of my mind. I have realised I have started to miss you.
Dear Nandini I want to be with you till my last breath, you would be the last person I want to say Good Night before I go to Sleep. Suddenly you mean the entire World to me, I feel we are meant to be together for eternity. I love you more than life itself and more than myself. I know that our Lives spent together will be more fulfilling  and happier then either of us could ever experience otherwise. I Promise As we grow older together, As we continue to change with age, There is one thing that will never change. . . I will always keep falling in love with you..I now know what it takes to be really happy from within and i.e to have you as my friend, philospher, guide, girlfriend, lover, and Wife. PLEASE MARRY ME!